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web page publishing: (website hosting) Storage and publishing of web pages, including registration to search engines www hotel; address like "http://www.korridor.se/~companyname" Internet Server; address like "http://www.companyname.com" I don't really know what I need yet!
production of home pages: desired level of ambition: Straight forward, low budget Average Advanced Interface Don't know
approximate size: no of pages of A4/Ltr text
pictures/logos etc we have all the pictures in a deliverable digital form we have all the pictures, but some of them need to be scanned we have all the pictures, but all of them need to be scanned I want Korridor to produce pictures and/or illustrations don't know yet programming very few features: counter, guest book, order form etc more features: Interactive data base, free text-search in the www-pages, etc I don't know, any suggestions ? other needs: copy the text material is proof-read and okay. we could use some help with things like proof-reading, preambles, captions and headlines we need a lot of help with our text material We need to translate the text to: anything else